Eucalyptus often recovers from severe frost

After a severe cold spell (2021), we have seen that a number of species, such as Eucalyptus viminalis (photo) and Eucalyptus dalrympleana can quickly grow back from the top of the root (the so called lignotuber). Simply cut the dead trunk off above the ground. In 2025 it is a tall tree again. The scent of it’s leaves is fantastic, a little bit like curry.

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hardy oleanders in stock!

Nerium oleander ‘Atlas’ and ‘Italia’ will tolerate 15°C of frost, but should be situated in protected sunny places in the garden, where excess rainwater will drain off quickly. Winter protection should be applied if medium to severe frosts are espected. ‘Villa Romaine’ is considered as the very hardiest variety and usually in stock. No postal sales, max one per client, pot size 11x11x17 cm (2 litre), great quality!

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Winter flowers

Few people still expect severe frost, but a frost-free winter monsoon is more likely nowadays. Evergreen plants can be transplanted in winter during frost free periods; but you must keep your winter protection ready in case the winter cold returns! The botanical garden and nursery can always be visited by appointment. Even if you look for inspiration only or are just curious! Or .. for example because you want to see a red flowering Camellia “Yuletide” in your garden during…

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Mountain bananas in unheated greenhouse

Mountain bananas can give our garden a tropical look with protection during the winter. But can they also produce ripe bananas under favourable conditions in our climate? Our growing season outside is too short for this. Maybe it is possible in an unheated greenhouse? We put several varieties and species to the on >>

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Bottlebrush, Grevillea, Kiwi ..

Bottlebrush for your garden Plants for planting out: (Callistemon rigidus) and Grevillea juniperrina. Both suit a Mediterranean garden well! 14 kinds of kiwi berry (Actinidia, hardier than the normal Kiwi) in 5 litre pots: Weiki (♂), Pineapple naya, Bingo, Chang Bai Giant, Dr. Szymanowski, Geneva, Hardy Red, Jumbo, Kokuwa, Lucy, Rogow, Scarlet September and Sentyabrskaya (€ 15)

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De Groene Prins on TV

You can get a visual impression of our botanical garden here , in a documentary recently broadcast on the Dutch programme ‘BinnensteBuiten’. So it’s in Dutch, but there’s nice film!

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Airpots for a better result

The switch from traditional pots to “airpots” (pots full of holes) is a recent development in arboriculture. Not without reason: tests have shown that root development in airpots is better, with a balanced root system as a result. Read on ..

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Jubaea, Rhapidophyllum, Butia and Trachycarpus palms have arrived!

< Jubaea chilensis, the strongest of the feather palms, which needs winter protection in our climate, is a great asset to the tropical garden! And we have them in stock! Very good quality. Trunk diameter is 20 cm (8″), pot 30L, price € 145,- Sold outFor the more patient among you we also have seedlings …(Be aware that this rare palm is not suited to beginners! I also have palms which are less demanding ..) Also available from stock: Rhapidophyllum…

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Pallet deliveries abroad

This autumn we sent a packaged Camellia to a client in Budapest. It took 12 days for the parcel to be delivered by the Dutch ‘Postnl’ company. So from now to reduce the risk of accidents to our precious plants we are advising foreign clients to accept deliveries by pallet only!  

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Gunnera tinctoria is NOT Gunnera manicata!

Beware! Ever more, the smaller Gunnera tinctoria is being marketed as Gunnera manicata. On this site the differences are clearly shown: At Bob Foltz’s botanical garden in Meeden, Holland I finally found the real manicata! This giant is getting a nice place beside the pond ..

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Tropical temperatures!

Eucalyptus perriniana easily grows 2m (6 feet) per year if watered well during the summer During extreme drought in summer  irrigate abundantly. Many plants in the jungle garden expect generous rainfall in the summer, and if that fails, these plants are forced to rest and therefore loose a lot of leaves. If you want to plant new plants in the garden during the summer holidays, you must irrigate them regularly! Eucalyptus trees in particular require a lot of water in…

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Hardy continuously flowering shrub

This variety is very strong! A remarkably strong grevillea which we once brought from Australia is now available; the cuttings have been successful! Price EU 12.50 This species flowers pink-red as long as the temperature permits it. Stock is limited, so one plant per customer is the maximum … Another new Australian is Dianella tasmanica ‘XXL’, of which finally divisions are available (also 1 per customer). they are seedlings of a remarkably large specimen, the size of a medium-sized Phormium.

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Record warmth in May and privacy rules

The record warmth of last May brings the fact home to us: our climate is getting warmer. This inspired me to once again plant some South American palms in the open ground: Butia eriospatha and Jubaea chilensis These strong feathery palms provide an even more tropical effect than the fan palms. They also grow much better in the ground than in a tub! We will protect these with tunnel arches and greenhouse foil. Insulation is achieved with bubble wrap. In…

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Palms and rhododendrons

And there are great new plants for you to come and have a look at. Our collection of garden palms has been extended with an assortment of 30-140 cm trunked palms! And the rhododendrons are beginning to bloom! It’s really beautiful in the garden now.

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Winter’s here!

Half hardy plants like Dicksonia antarctica do need good protection against severe frosts in the winter! Here we have protected our plants against the winter’s cold. We started with the mountain banana collection. After that the tree ferns and last but not least, the palm trees. During the winter months we’re open by appointment only(+31-6-22370001)!

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Customs damage

Be careful when exporting or importing plants – customs sometimes destroy plants and call this “inspection”! Export outside the EU is now virtually impossible, we are commercially prisoners in “Fort Europe” …

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Helen’s Hybrid – a promising new banana!

Helen’s Hybrid is probably a cross between Musa sikkimensis Red Tiger and Musa Chinichampa. Seedlings from this happy marriage are all different. Some resemble one parent, some the other, but most resemble both like the plant on this picture. Human children are sometimes faster or smarter than their parents. Also in the plant world, crosses are occasionally more vigorous than both parent plants. The plant shown on this photo grows abnormally fast in the garden, has inherited the beauty of…

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